Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ulead SmartSaver Pro 3.0 Cheats bit of communication (12)

3. Production Zhe Zhao

Well, a website image optimization is easy to get up too! Here we will introduce the optimization mode, the mask option. Through the mask can be JPG, GIF or PNG to create a transparent area, you can choose a color designated transparent areas can also be highlighted by an image mask to the image area and a transparent color (default is the end user to select the image color) to replace the region, you can use the toolbox on the "Add transparent zone" straw to add transparent areas using the "erase the transparent region" rubber to erase the transparent area.

Here, we do a GIF animation and a still photo to make a form like box, promising ah.

First: In Photoshop, create a picture as the box and the Memory of six letters image, and then Ulead Gifanimator animation wizard in the box below as to add subtitles Memory rolling.

Figure 018: a good image processing in Photostop

Figure 019: Make a good roll in the Gifanimator subtitles

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

On the open source Jetty Servlet Container

Jetty is a Java language using the open source servlet container, it is Java-based web content such as JSP and servlet to provide operating environment. Jetty servlet container as an optional feature is an additional, but it really is because it is known as a can be embedded into other Java code in the servlet container designed. This means that Jetty development team will provide as a set of Jar files out, so you can code your own will into an object instance of the servlet container and can manipulate the container object.

Jetty servlet container in not really a new face, it has emerged from 1998. Jetty is released under the Apache 2.0 open source protocol, you can free software and commercial software to use Jetty.

MyEclipse 6.5 below describes the whole process to use jetty.

Environment: Windows XP + JDK 1.6.11 + MyEclipse 6.5 + jetty-7.0.0pre3

1. Open myEclipse, new java project Jetty, and logs build webapps folder (and src at the same level), established under the src config, servlet and test folder in the webapps directory to establish manage the work as a web directory.

2. Will be $ (ROOT) jetty-7.0.0pre3lib three jar packages under the accession project classpath, the $ (Root): jetty-7.0.0pre3libjsp-2.1 of the four-jar package to join the project classpath, copy $ ( ROOT) jetty-7.0.0pre3etc under jetty.xml, webdefault.xml and to srcconfig, the same copy $ (ROOT) jetty-7.0.0pre3contexts under the under the test.xml to srcconfig and renamed manage.xml.

3. Modify jetty.xml, manage.xml, these configuration files with jetty.xml, webdefault.xml and path to srcconfig, and in the webapps / manage under the new index.jsp.

4. In the test directory under the new, the code is as follows:

1 import org.mortbay.jetty .*;
3 import *;
5 import org.mortbay.jetty.handler .*;
7 import org.mortbay.xml .*;
9 public class start (
11 public static void main (String args []) (
13 Server server = new Server (8080);
15 server.setHandler (new DefaultHandler ());
17 XmlConfiguration cfg = null;
19 try (
21 cfg = new XmlConfiguration (new FileInputStream (". / Src / com / greysh / config / jetty.xml"));
23 cfg.configure (server);
25 server.start ();
27 System.out.println ("Jetty Started ...");
29) catch (FileNotFoundException e) (
31 e.printStackTrace ();
35 catch (IOException e) (
37 e.printStackTrace ();
39) catch (Exception e) (
41 e.printStackTrace ();
47) run the Start class, using IE to access http://localhost:8080/, click / manage ---> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext @ 1275d39 (/ manage, file: / D: / Program% 20Files / MyEclipse% 206.5/workspace/Jetty/webapps/manage /), then you can successfully run the Jetty.
If you want to run in the Jetty servlet, operation is as follows: